The cycle route begins on a large parking lot in the centre of the Donovaly mountain resort. Through the wooden bridge we cross the main road and continue along the green trail to the cycle trails crossroads near Polianka – Bully settlements. There we turn left and continue along the green cycle trail no. 5457 towards Korytnica settlement (15 km) through the Polianka settlement. Behind the Polianka settlement we turn left into the forest, come around the barrier and ascend about 500 meters. We continue through the forest to the intersection of forest roads, where, according to the cycle sign-post, we turn left towards Korytnica settlement (11.2 km) and continue through the forest along the green cycle trail.
Nature in this area is truly beautiful, the cycle route also passes through the Štrosy Nature Reserve, where unique rock debris can be found. When we get out of the forest, we continue straight through the meadow and we’ll have to climb to the Kečka hill (1225 m above sea level). During the climb, we’ll have to push the bike for a while. But we’ll be rewarded with a beautiful panoramic view of the surroundings.
Then we continue towards Kozí chrbát hill. Before climbing to Kozí chrbát hill, at the cycle sign-post, we turn left and continue along the green cycle trail through the forest in the Kozí chrbát Nature Reserve up to Hiadeľské sedlo pass.
From there we only descend about 6 km along a wide forest road to Korytnica settlement, where the area of the former spa wakes up again after years. After your arrival to Korytnica spa, water from five reconstructed mineral springs can refresh you. Their setting is reconstructed. On the path around the former mineral water filler after 200 meters you’ll arrive to the Svätopluk guest-house, which was inaugurated on June 11, 2016. On this day they also opened the cycling route from Korytnica spa to Ružomberok city. It leads along the route of the former forest railway named Korytnička, that’s why it is called CykloKorytnička.
Svätopluk guest-house provides restaurant and accommodation services. It is open continuously. It offers grilled piglet, lamb, chickens and pizza, as well.
After a 16 km ride, the green cycle trail ends at the intersection with the main road leading to Donovaly mountain resort. From there we can go either to Donovaly mountain resort or to Ružomberok city along the mentioned CykloKorytnička, its length is about 23 km. It is without any significant ascent.
If we want to return to the Donovaly mountain resort, we can go about 5 km along the main road marked as red cycle trail no. 033. The second option is that after 500 m along the main road we turn right from the main road and continue along the green cycle trail no. 5457 leading through the forest, which after 4.5 km arrives at Donovaly mountain resort.