The THURZO – FUGGER Interactive Exhibition presents the mining history of Banska Bystrica and the surrounding villages and towns, particularly during the era of the renowned Thurzo-Fugger Company and the Copper Hammer Mill. This captivating tour takes you back 500 years to the flourishing times of mining in Banska Bystrica and its vicinity.
A timeline with augmented reality on smartphones guides you through the exhibition, highlighting different stages of the region’s mining history. Prominent figures from that era share their lives, work, contacts, and historical context that led to the creation of the world’s largest trading enterprise at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries. “Talking images” bring to life characters such as a Bronze Age miner, the first mayor of Banska Bystrica, Ondrej, Ján Thurzo, and Jakob Fugger – key personalities of the Banská Bystrica mining industry. You’ll glimpse into the mine shaft, both within the exhibition and beyond the walls of the City Castle, learning how the richest man in the world accumulated his wealth and what copper meant for people, and how it was utilized from prehistory to the present day.
Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, the exhibition provides a unique experience. Through motion platforms and virtual reality, you’ll virtually “walk” through the production areas of the Copper Hammer Mill, witnessing how it looked and operated during its prime. A wealth of information about mining development and machinery, various related objects, and numerous other intriguing details are accessible through touch screens. We’ll take you on a journey to the Copper Hammer Mill, both in the present and over 500 years ago, using 360° video projection.
The exhibition also guides you to other locations in Banska Bystrica and nearby villages, where you can further explore the mining history of the region (Špania Dolina, Staré Hory, Moštenica, Ľubietová, Tajov, Malachov…). The creation of the exhibition was inspired by the international project, the European Fugger Route, whose partners include not only Banska Bystrica but also the cities of Augsburg and Bad Hindelang from Germany, Schwaz and Hall in Tirol from Austria, and Sterzing from Italy.
Come and transport yourself through time and space, uncovering unfamiliar or long-forgotten things. The exhibition tour lasts approximately 1.5 – 2 hours (at least 1 hour). The maximum capacity for one entry is 10 people.
- Exhibition TFZE
- modern technologies
- augmented reality
- Exhibition TFZE
- Exhibition TFZE
- Exhibition TFZE
- driftmodel
- copper ingot
- 360° video projection
- virtual reality